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Getting Started

Andrew Theken edited this page Dec 11, 2014 · 6 revisions

Getting started with Postmark is very easy. Let's talk about pre-requisites:


  1. A Postmark Account: Sign up for a new account.
  2. A "Server Token": Set up a new 'server' in your account.
  3. A "Sender Signature": Create a sender signature here.

Sending your first email:

Postmark is designed to make sending email super easy, the following snippet shows how easy it is to get started:

using PostmarkDotNet;

public async Task SendTestMessage(){
	var client = new PostmarkClient("<server token>");

		var sendResult = await client.SendMessageAsync("<sender signature>", 
			"[email protected]", 
			"Hello from Postmark!",
			"This is just a friendly hello from your friends at Postmark.");

This is the bare-minimum to send an email using the Postmark client, but you can do a great deal more with with the Postmark.Net library. Take special note that you should replace <server token> with the token you obtained in item two of the pre-requisites, and replace <sender signature> with the signature you obtained from item three of the pre-requisites above.

Next, check out more advanced sending options on our Sending Email wiki page, and the other topics listed in the sidebar on the right of this wiki.

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