diff --git a/config.example.ttl b/config.example.ttl
index bc120ed9..ee49ea29 100644
--- a/config.example.ttl
+++ b/config.example.ttl
@@ -1,35 +1,27 @@
+@prefix : .
@prefix conf: .
-@prefix quit: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix xsd: .
-conf:exampleStore a quit:QuitStore ;
- quit:allowNewGraphs 1 ;
- quit:pathOfGitRepo "../store.default" ;
- quit:defaultBranch "master" ;
- quit:globalFile "global.nt" .
+conf:exampleStore a :QuitStore ;
+ :allowNewGraphs 1 ;
+ :pathOfGitRepo "../store.default" ;
+ :defaultBranch "master" ;
+ # Optional a git repo that will be cloned into dir given in line above on startup.
+ :origin "git:github.com/your/repository.git" ;
+ :globalFile "global.nt" .
-conf:exampleDBpedia a quit:Graph ;
- quit:graphUri ;
- quit:isVersioned 1 ;
- quit:graphFile "dbpedia.nt" .
+conf:exampleDBpedia a :Graph ;
+ :graphUri ;
+ :isVersioned 1 ;
+ :graphFile "dbpedia.nt" .
-conf:exampleGraph a quit:Graph ;
- quit:graphUri ;
- quit:isVersioned 1 ;
- quit:graphFile "default.nt" .
+conf:default a :Graph ;
+ :graphUri ;
+ :isVersioned 1 ;
+ :graphFile "default.nt" .
-conf:default a ;
- quit:graphUri ;
- quit:isVersioned 1 ;
- quit:graphFile "radtke.nt" .
-conf:default1 a ;
- quit:graphUri ;
- quit:isVersioned 1 ;
- quit:graphFile "arndt.nt" .
-conf:aksw a ;
- quit:prefix "aksw" ;
- quit:namespace .
- quit:graphFile "default.nt" .
+conf:aksw a :Binding ;
+ :prefix "aksw" ;
+ :namespace ;
+ :graphFile "binding.nt" .